The World of the Brain - a series of presentations by research teams

27 May, 2020


We invite you to attend a series of brain research presentations by research teams of JBC members. Online presentations will be given mainly by PhD students and Post Doctoral fellows that will tell us about the research performed in their lab. We aim at increasing the involvement of our students in the JBC activity and encouraging future interdisciplinary collaborations between our teams.

First Presentation: June 4, 2020 by Dr. Dan Rokni's research team: "Extraction of behaviorally relevant information from cluttered odorous environments"

watch first presentation                      watch preview movie #1

Second Presentation: June 17, 2020 at 14:00 by Dr. Naomi Habib's research team: "Charting a new roadmap for understanding Alzheimer's disease" 

watch second presentation                watch preview movie #2

Third presentation: July 2, 2020 at 14:00 by Dr. Yoni Pertzov's research team: "Exploring visual exploration: understanding how we inspect the world with our gaze"

watch third presentation                     watch preview movie #3

Fourth presentation: July 16, 2020 at 14:00 by Prof. Yoram Burak and his research team: "Theories of neural dynamics and computation: spatial representations in the rodent brain, and fixational eye motion in primates"

 watch fourth presentation                  watch preview movie #4
