
Registration Open for JBC Annual Meeting

18 September, 2024

We are pleased to announce that registration for the annual JBC meeting, scheduled for October 27th, is now open. The registration is free, but advance registration is required by 1.10.2024. The event is open to all JBC members and students from their laboratories. We cordially invite you to join us for this important gathering, which provides an excellent opportunity to connect with colleagues and stay informed about the latest developments in our field. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Shir Atzil and Avihu Klar

Directors of JBC

The "JBC Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Students in Brain & Cognitive Sciences

4 July, 2024


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The Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC) advances exceptional students in diverse areas of brain research at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

We are pleased to offer 12-month fellowships to students starting a Master’s degree in October 2024 under the supervision of a JBC member. These scholarships will support students through the end of their first academic year.



Amount: $7,000


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Starting a Master's degree in a lab affiliated with the JBC and have a clear interest in brain science.
  • An average grade of 90 or above, or rank in the top 10% of their class. 


Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in the JBC community.
  • Participate in JBC activities.
  • Update the JBC on your scientific advancement and publications.
  • Acknowledge the JBC in publications and presentations.


Application Process:

Please apply by uploading the Application Form and Documents to the 'Documents Upload' folder:

1. CV

2. An official Grades Sheet

3. A research proposal (limited to 1 page, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins: 2.54 cm)

4. Reference form from a JBC Member expressing his/her commitment to mentoring the student during their Master’s degree


Consideration will be given only to complete applications
Last date to submit applications – July 23, 2024

Apply here


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The JBC-ECN kick-off at Berlin Neuroscience Meeting 2023

1 October, 2023

5/10/2023-6/10/2023, Berlin


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The Berlin Neuroscience Meeting (BNM) connects neuroscientists and PhD students of the inter- and transdisciplinary Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin and to give them the possibility to present the most recent research. This year, JBC members are invited to present their research and enhance collaboration. Read More



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The "JBC Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Students in Brain & Cognitive Sciences

3 May, 2023


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The JBC promotes the career development of gifted students, in the various fields of brain research, at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

We offer 15-month fellowships to students starting a Master’s degree in a laboratory of a JBC member at the Hebrew University. The scholarships start in the upcoming summer and last until the end of the first academic year of the Master's degree

Fellowship Amount:  $10,000


  • 3rd year BA or BSc students that will continue to a Master's degree in a JBC-affiliated lab and have a clear interest in brain science.
  • Student's grades must be 90 or above (or in the top 10% of the class).

Applications will be evaluated by the JBC Academic Committee based on the academic achievements of the applicant.

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community.
  • Participate in JBC activities.
  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained.
  • Acknowledge the JBC in publications and presentation

Application Process:

Please apply by uploading the Application Form and the application documents to the 'Documents Upload' folder:

1.    CV.

2.   An official Grades Sheet

3.   A research proposal (limited to 1 page, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins: 2.54 cm)

4.   Reference form from a JBC Member expressing his/her commitment to mentoring the student during their Master’s degree

* The winners will start receiving the scholarship only after they provide proof of acceptance to a MA/MSc program in the field of Brain Science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Last date to submit applications is May 20, 2023

Apply here

Consideration will be given only to complete applications                               

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New Call for the JBC “Bridging” Post-Doctoral scholarships during the Coronavirus crisis

24 September, 2020


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“Bridging” Post-Doctoral scholarships during the Coronavirus crisis

This year the JBC offers special post-doctoral scholarships to PhD students of JBC members who submitted their thesis and could not start their planned post-doctoral studies abroad. The scholarships are intended to support a stay of up to six months as post-doctoral fellows at the original lab of the applicants or other labs of JBC members.

Fellowship Amount: Up to $9,000  ($1,500 per month of the support program)


  • The candidate must be a former PhD student of a JBC member.
  • The candidate has submitted his doctoral thesis for approval.
  • Candidates who receive fellowships from other faculties are eligible for a JBC Fellowship. However, the total combined amount, should not exceed the maximum allowed by Hebrew University.

Applications will be evaluated by the JBC Academic Committee based on the academic achievements of the applicant.

Fellowship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community.
  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc.
  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations.

The Submission:

The following documents should be submitted through the online application system: (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions).

1.     Application form in English (Online Application Form).

2.     Research plan for the bridging period

3.    Curriculum Vitae and list of Publications

4.    A Letter of Recommendation.

5.    A Letter from the Host PI, expressing his/her willing to match the funding provided by the foundation.

6. A letter confirming PhD submission. 

Last date to submit applications is June 20, 2020

Apply here

Consideration will be given only to complete applications                               

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New call for the JBC "GOLD" PhD Fellowship in Brain Research

14 July, 2020


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The Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC) encourages PhD students who want to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of brain science.


Gold Fellowship Amount up to $15,000

The fellowship is offered for a maximum of two years. Extension of the Fellowship beyond the first year, will depend on the academic performance of the candidate.  


  • The candidate must be a PhD student in one of the JBC Members’ Labs and has received approval of their doctoral program, (stage b), by the Authority for Research Students.
  • A student may not receive the fellowship, if he/she already receives a similar fellowship from ELSC. 
  • Students who receive fellowships from other faculties are eligible for a JBC Fellowship. However, the total combined amount, shall not exceed the maximum allowed by Hebrew University.

Evaluation of an applicant proposal:

The Fellowship will be awarded after a rigorous academic review process of the JBC Academic Committee based on: 

1. Previous academic achievements of the applicant. 

2. The scientific merit of the PhD research proposal. 

3. In some cases, a personal interview of the final candidates by the Academic Committee and the PI. 

4. Preference will be given to students who conduct interdisciplinary research, combining different aspects of brain and behavior research, in two or more labs of JBC members. 

Gold Fellowship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community.
  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc.
  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained.
  • Submit annual reports to JBC, including recent publications and presentations and other activities related to JBC.
  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations

Extension of the fellowship to the following year:

The JBC is not committed to extend the fellowship in advance. The fellowship may be extended, depending on availability of funds and the scientific achievements of the candidate. A written summary of these achievements and a short description of the research goals for the following year (max, 2 pages) are obligatory. 

Please note:

  • Stipends paid to doctoral fellows are considered grants by the Authorities in Israel and are tax free.
  • All the intellectual rights pertaining to any invention developed by a Fellow as a result of or in the course of his/her research work at the Hebrew University and/or resulting from the use of University laboratories or property, shall entirely belong to the University. The Fellow will be entitled to royalties deriving from patent registration of any such invention, as prescribed in the University Regulations. 

Submission Requirements:

Application form and supporting documents (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions):

1.  Photograph

2.  Application form in English (Online Application form).

3.  Research Proposal (max 4 pages, font size 11, 1.5 line spacing).

4.  Curriculum Vitae

5.  List of publications, if applicable.

6.  The most significant academic article/paper (PDF format).

7.  3 Letters of Recommendation (typed in English). The letters should be sent by the referee directly to the JBC fellowship portal according to this mechanism.

8.  Copy of approval of the Doctoral Program.


Consideration will be given only to complete applications. 

Last date to submit applications is July 12 , 2020

Apply here

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New call for the JBC Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Brain Research

14 July, 2020


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The Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC) assists post-doctoral fellows in their research using a multidisciplinary approach to brain science

Fellowship Amount: Up to $15,000

Postdoctoral fellows will receive a competitive stipend for a period of one year and will only be granted, if a matching sum will be provided by the fellow's supervisor


The candidate must be (or has been) a student in an accredited institution of higher education and whose PhD training and post-doctoral projects are in the field of Brain Sciences and will be conducted under the supervision of a JBC Member.

The candidate has been granted a PhD before applying for the fellowship, or has already submitted his doctoral thesis for approval, when applying. (The candidate must receive approval of their PhD, during the first academic year of post-doctoral studies).

A student may not receive the fellowship, if he/she is currently receiving a similar fellowship from ELSC.

Students who receive fellowships from other faculties are eligible for a JBC Fellowship. However, the total combined amount, shall not exceed the maximum allowed by Hebrew University.

Applications will be evaluated by the JBC Academic Committee based on:

a. The academic achievements of the applicant.

b. The scientific merit of the post-doctoral project proposal.

Fellowships will be awarded after a rigorous academic review process by the JBC Academic Committee.

Fellowship Requirements:

Play an active role in JBC community.

Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc.

Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained.

Submit annual reports to JBC, including recent publications and presentations, financial summary, and other activities related to JBC.

Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations.

Please note:

Post-doctoral fellowships are considered as grants by the Authorities in Israel and are tax free.

Foreign fellows are required to obtain an A2 student visa prior to taking up the fellowship at the Hebrew University.

All the intellectual rights pertaining to any invention developed by a Fellow as a result of/or in the course of his/her research work at the Hebrew University and/or resulting from the use of University laboratories or property, shall entirely belong to the University. The Fellow will be entitled to royalties deriving from patent registration of any such invention, as prescribed in the University Regulations.


Submission Procedure:

The following documents should be submitted through the online application system: (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions).

1.     Photograph

2.     Application form in English (Online Application Form).

3.     Research Proposal (max 3 pages, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing).

4.     Abstract 

5.    Curriculum Vitae

6.    List of Publications

7.    3 most Significant Published Articles (PDF format).

8.    3 Letters of Recommendation (typed in English from three referees). The letters should be sent by the referee directly to the JBC fellowship portal according to this mechanism.

9.    A Letter from the Host PI, expressing his/her will to match the funding provided by the foundation.

10. Copy of PhD degree.  (If the PhD has not yet been awarded, the candidate must provide approval of the PhD, during the first academic year of the post-doctoral studies). 


Consideration will be given only to complete applications.

Last date to submit applications is July 12, 2020

Apply here



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New call for the JBC "Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Master Students

6 July, 2020


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The JBC "Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Master Students

The JBC, promotes career development of gifted students, in the various fields of brain research, at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

We offer, a 15 month fellowship, starting from the first year of master's degree or a direct Ph.D. The fellowships will only be awarded to students conducting research in a laboratory of a JBC member, at the Hebrew University

Amount: $10,000

The fellowship is offered from October 1, 2020 through December 30, 2021


  • Undergraduate students who completed their 3rd year at an Israeli university, with a clear interest in brain science
  • Student’s grades must be 90 or above (or at the top 10% of the class)
  • Applications for JBC fellowships, are to students who are interested in conducting research in a lab of a JBC member

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community.
  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc.
  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained.
  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations.

Application Process:

Application form and supporting documents (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions):

The following documents should be submitted:

- Application Form (Online Application Form).

- Photograph

- Proof of acceptance to a MA/MSc program in the field of Brain Science, at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

- Copy of Academic Standing from your university (grades from all previous years).

- A research proposal (limited to 1 page)

- A recommendation letter from a JBC Member, expressing his/her approval to accept the student in her/his lab and willing to secure funding till completion of the degree.


Apply here

Consideration will be given only to complete applications

Last date to submit applications – August 22, 2020



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The World of the Brain - a series of presentations by research teams

27 May, 2020


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We invite you to attend a series of brain research presentations by research teams of JBC members. Online presentations will be given mainly by PhD students and Post Doctoral fellows that will tell us about the research performed in their lab. We aim at increasing the involvement of our students in the JBC activity and encouraging future interdisciplinary collaborations between our teams.

First Presentation: June 4, 2020 by Dr. Dan Rokni's research team: "Extraction of behaviorally relevant information from cluttered odorous environments"

watch first presentation                      watch preview movie #1

Second Presentation: June 17, 2020 at 14:00 by Dr. Naomi Habib's research team: "Charting a new roadmap for understanding Alzheimer's disease" 

watch second presentation                watch preview movie #2

Third presentation: July 2, 2020 at 14:00 by Dr. Yoni Pertzov's research team: "Exploring visual exploration: understanding how we inspect the world with our gaze"

watch third presentation                     watch preview movie #3

Fourth presentation: July 16, 2020 at 14:00 by Prof. Yoram Burak and his research team: "Theories of neural dynamics and computation: spatial representations in the rodent brain, and fixational eye motion in primates"

 watch fourth presentation                  watch preview movie #4

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New Call for JBC "Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Undergraduates

20 January, 2020


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The JBC "Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Undergraduates,

in Brain & Cognitive Sciences

The JBC promotes career development of gifted undergraduate students, in the various fields of brain research, at The Hebrew University

Amount: $10,000

We offer up to 10 fellowships, awarded for a total duration of 15 months -  starting from the second semester of the 3rd year of an undergraduate degree, and extending into the first year of graduate studies (either an MA or MSc, or in case of a direct research track, to Ph.D). The fellowships will only be awarded to students conducting research in a laboratory of an active JBC member (who participated in at least one of the JBC activities or attended JBC-sponsored events in the last 3 years)

The fellowship is offered from March 1, 2020 through May 30, 2021



  • 3rd year Undergraduate students, with a clear interest in brain & cognitive science.
  • Average grade: 90 or above (or at the top 10% of the class)
  • Applications for JBC fellowships, are to students conducting research in a lab of a JBC member

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community (e.g. present the research in future JBC events)
  • Update the JBC on the fruits of your work, and the insights gained
  • Acknowledge the JBC fellowship in publications and presentations

Application Process:

The following documents should be submitted:

Application Form (Online Application Form)


Copy of Academic Standing from your university (grades from all previous years)

A research proposal (limited to 1 page)

A recommendation letter from a JBC Member, expressing her/his approval to accept the student in her/his lab and willing to secure funding till completion of the degree


Only complete applications will be considered

Last date to submit applications – February 15, 2020



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