Funding and Awards

The "JBC Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Students in Brain & Cognitive Sciences


The Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC) advances exceptional students in diverse areas of brain research at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

We are pleased to offer 12-month fellowships to students starting a Master’s degree in October 2024 under the supervision of a JBC member. These scholarships will support students through the end of their first academic year.

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Amount: $7,000


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Starting a Master's degree in a lab affiliated with the JBC and have a clear interest in brain science.
  • An average grade of 90 or above, or rank in the top 10% of their class. 


Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in the JBC community.
  • Participate in JBC activities.
  • Update the JBC on your scientific advancement and publications.
  • Acknowledge the JBC in publications and presentations.


Application Process:

Please apply by uploading the Application Form and Documents to the 'Documents Upload' folder:

1. CV

2. An official Grades Sheet

3. A research proposal (limited to 1 page, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins: 2.54 cm)

4. Reference form from a JBC Member expressing his/her commitment to mentoring the student during their Master’s degree

Consideration will be given only to complete applications
Last date to submit applications – July 23, 2024

Apply here


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JBC Travel Exchange for International Young Researchers in Brain and Cognitive Science Scholarship


The JBC provides financial support to help outstanding international Master students, PhD students or post-docs, carry out a collaborative research project, for a period of up to 4 months, at JBC members’ labs, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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Amount of the fellowship: up to $5000


  • The candidate must be a student whose training and PhD or post-doctoral project, are in the field of Brain Sciences. 

  • Scholarships will only be awarded for attendance at a lab of a JBC memberfor up to 9 months from the day of receiving the scholarship.

Evaluation of an applicant proposal

 The JBC Academic Committee will evaluate the application based on: 

  • The academic achievements, of the applicant

  • The relevance of the research topic to the agenda of the JBC

  • The scientific merit of the project proposal and the priority given to it by the host (up to 3 pages)

  • The application will be reviewed by an academic committee, who may interview pre-selected candidates, before making a final decision

  • A recipient of a JBC Fellowship must submit a letter of commitment to abide by the terms of the fellowship


 Terms of the Fellowship: 


  • An additional coverage for travel expenses up to $1,000 will be awarded for applicants coming from Europe and $2,000 for applicants coming from the USA or Canada 

  • The candidate is required to inform the JBC about any grant, salary or other funds he/she may receive during the training at Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community.

  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc.

  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained

  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations

Application form and supporting documents (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions):  

  • Application Form

  • An updated Curriculum Vitae (in English)

  • A short description of the research proposal for the training. (in English, up to five pages, font size 11, line spacing 1.5)

  • If applicant is a PhD; proof of PhD enrollment at current university (Abstract of the PhD thesis signed by the applicant's advisor or other)

  • For Post Docs proof of completion of PhD

  • Publications (if applicable) – please attach them in PDF format (up to three uploads)   

  • 3 Letters of Recommendation (typed in English) from three referees. One referee must be the PhD advisor. The letters should be sent by the referee directly to the JBC fellowship portal. 

  • A letter from a JBC host/advisor, approving his/her support of the contents of the application and his/her commitment to support the proposed project

  • Supplementary Materials: the candidate may add a letter with any information relevant for his/her training and future plans (up to one page, font 11, line spacing 1.5)


Applications are closed

The next call will open in July 2019 

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JBC Brain Research Travel Exchange Scholarship (for HUJI students)


The JBC provides financial support to help outstanding PhD students or post-docs, carry out a collaborative research project, for a period of up to 4 months, at top brain centers in the world

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 Amount of the fellowship will be up to $5000



  • The candidate must be a student in one of the JBC members’ lab, and whose training and PhD or post-doctoral project, are in the field of Brain Sciences 

  • Scholarships will only be awarded for attendance at a lab for up to 6 months from the day of receiving the scholarship

  •  The student may not receive the fellowship if he/she had already received a similar fellowship from ELSC

valuation of an applicant proposal:

 The JBC Academic Committee will evaluate the application based on: 

  • The academic achievements of the applicant

  • The relevance of the research topic to the agenda of the JBC

  • The scientific merit of the project proposal and the priority given to it by the host institute (up to 3 pages)

  • The application will be reviewed by an academic committee, who may interview pre-selected candidates, before making a final decision. 

  • A recipient of a JBC Fellowship must submit a letter of commitment to abide by the terms of the fellowship and the terms that appear in this letter                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • The candidate is required to inform the JBC about any grant, salary or other funds he/she may receive during the training abroad

  • All payments will be made via direct bank transfers; the candidate will provide bank account details

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community

  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc

  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained

  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations

Application form and supporting documents (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions):  

  • An updated Curriculum Vitae (in English)

  • A short description of the research proposal for the training abroad (in English, up to five pages, font size 11, line spacing 1.5) 

  • Abstract of the PhD thesis signed by the applicant's advisor  

  • Publications (if applicable) – please attach them in PDF format (up to three uploads)   

  • 3 Letters of Recommendation (typed in English) from three referees. One referee must be the PhD advisor, and if possible, at least one of them will be a senior member of an academic institute abroad 

  • A letter from the host/advisor from an academic institute abroad, approving his/her support of the contents of the application manuscript and his/her commitment to support the proposed project

  • Supplementary Materials: the candidate may add a letter with any information relevant for his/her training and future plans (up to one page, font 11, line spacing 1.5)


Applications are closed

The next call will open in July 2019 


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JBC Brain Science Travel Grants


The Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC), provides partial support for students, to present a lecture or poster, during conferences, workshops or courses abroad.

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Amount of Grant:   $1000

Grant Terms:

  1. Must be a  student (Master or PhD) or a post-doctoral fellow from a lab of a JBC Member

  2. ​Participation in a course/workshop must be relevant to the student's field of studies; participation in a conference must require the student to present his/her work – either as a lecture or a poster

  3. Travel Grant will only be awarded for attendance at a conference/workshop for up to 6 months from the day of receiving the scholarship

  4. ELSC Students may apply, only if they were not awarded an ELSC Travel Grant during the current academic year


Payment will be made in one of the following ways: 

1) Directly to the travel agency for purchasing the ticket, as long as the ticket has been ordered by either​“Ophir Tours” or “Diesenhaus” 

2) As reimbursement of purchasing the ticket independently, or alternatively, as reimbursement for accommodations or registration fees – as long as original invoices and receipts will be submitted 

 Submission Dates:

  • Candidates may apply for a travel grant, only once, per academic year

  • Requests will be reviewed by an academic committee of JBC members nominated on an annual basis

Submission Requirements:

​Please upload the following documents to the 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions: 

  • JBC Application Form (Online Application Form) 

  • Photo

  • Curriculum Vitae 

  • Letter by the applicant explaining the significance of his/her participation 

  • Summary of the Project (2 pages)

  • Abstract of the work that will be presented

  • List of Publications 

  • 2 Letters of Recommendation (typed in English). One letter should be from either the PhD advisor or the post-doctoral host with the student's academic achievements, as well as, the importance of his/her participation in the specific course/workshop/conference

  • Travel Approval Form – please fill in sections 1, 2 and 4 only 

  • Conference registration and payment confirmations (up to 4 documents)

Awards will be given three times a year (March, June and December)

Applications will be reviewed and awarded by the JBC Academic Committee


Applications are closed

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JBC "GOLD" PhD Fellowship in Brain Research


The Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC) encourages PhD students who want to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of brain science.

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Amount up to $15,000

The fellowship is offered for a maximum of one year


  • The candidate must be a PhD student in one of the JBC member's lab and has received approval of their doctoral program, (stage b), by the Authority for Research Students


  • A student may not receive the fellowship, if he/she already receives a similar fellowship from ELSC 

  • Students who receive fellowships from other faculties are eligible for a JBC Fellowship. However, the total combined amount, shall not exceed the maximum allowed by Hebrew University

Evaluation of an applicant proposal:

The Fellowship will be awarded after a rigorous academic review process of the JBC Academic Committee based on: 

  • Previous academic achievements of the applicant 
  • The scientific merit of the PhD research proposal
  • In some cases, a personal interview of the final candidates by the Academic Committee and the PI
  • Preference will be given to students who conduct interdisciplinary research, combining different aspects of brain and behavior research, in two or more labs of JBC members

Gold Fellowship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community

  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc

  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained

  • Submit annual reports to JBC, including recent publications and presentations and other activities related to JBC

  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations.

  • PI Must be an active member of the JBC

Please note:

Stipends paid to doctoral fellows are considered grants by the Authorities in Israel and are tax free

  • All the intellectual rights pertaining to any invention developed by a Fellow as a result of or in the course of his/her research work at the Hebrew University and/or resulting from the use of University laboratories or property, shall entirely belong to the University. The Fellow will be entitled to royalties deriving from patent registration of any such invention, as prescribed in the University Regulations

Submission Requirements:

Application form and supporting documents (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions):

1.  Photograph

2.  Application form in English (Online Application form)

3.  Research Proposal  (max 3 pages, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing)

4.  Curriculum Vitae

5.  List of publications, if applicable.

6.  The  most significant academic article/paper (PDF format)

7.  3 Letters of Recommendation (typed in English). The letters should be sent by the referee directly to the JBC fellowship portal according tothis mechanism

8.  Copy of approval of the Doctoral Program


Applications are closed

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JBC Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Brain Research


The Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC) assists post-doctoral fellows in their research using a multidisciplinary approach to brain science

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Fellowship Amount: Up to $15,000


Postdoctoral fellows will receive a competitive stipend for a period of one year and will only be granted, if a matching sum will be provided by the fellow's supervisor


  •  The candidate must be (or has been) a student in an accredited institution of higher education and whose PhD training and post-doctoral projects are in the field of Brain Sciences and will be conducted under the supervision of a JBC Member 
  • The candidate has been granted a PhD before applying for the Fellowship, or has already submitted his doctoral thesis for approval, when applying. (The candidate must receive approval of their PhD, during the first academic year of post-doctoral studies)
  • A student may not receive the fellowship, if he/she is currently receiving a similar fellowship from ELSC
  • Students who receive fellowships from other faculties are eligible for a JBC Fellowship. However, the total combined amount, shall not exceed the maximum allowed by Hebrew University

Applications will be evaluated by the JBC Academic Committee based on:

a. The academic achievements of the applicant 

b. The scientific merit of the post-doctoral project proposal 

Fellowships will be awarded after a rigorous academic review process by the JBC Academic Committee

Fellowship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community
  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc
  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained
  • Submit annual reports to JBC, including recent publications and presentations, financial summary, and other activities related to JBC
  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations
  • PI's must be an active member of the JBC

 Please note:

  • Post-doctoral fellowships are considered as grants by the Authorities in Israel and are tax free

  • Foreign fellows are required to obtain an A2 student visa prior to taking up the fellowship at the Hebrew University

  • All the intellectual rights pertaining to any invention developed by a Fellow as a result of/or in the course of his/her research work at the Hebrew University and/or resulting from the use of University laboratories or property, shall entirely belong to the University. The Fellow will be entitled to royalties deriving from patent registration of any such invention, as prescribed in the University Regulations

Submission Procedure:

The following documents should be submitted through the online application system:

1.     Photograph
2.     Application form in English (Online Application Form). 

3.     Research Proposal (max 3 pages, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing). 

4.     Abstract  

5.    Curriculum Vitae 

6.    List of Publications 

7.    3 most Significant Published Articles  (PDF format). 

8.    3 Letters of Recommendation (typed in English from three referees). The letters should be sent by the referee directly to the JBC fellowship portal according to this mechanism

9.    A Letter from the Host PI, expressing his/her will to match the funding provided by the foundation 

10. Copy of PhD degree.  (If the PhD has not yet been awarded, the candidate must provide approval of the PhD, during the first academic year of the post-doctoral studies) 


Applications are closed.



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The JBC "Golden Opportunity" Scholarship for Master Students in Brain & Cognitive Sciences


The JBC promotes career development of gifted undergraduate students, in the various fields of brain research, at the Hebrew University.

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Amount: $10,000

We offer, a 15 month fellowship, starting from the first semster of master's degree or a direct Ph.D. The fellowships will only be awarded to students conducting research in a laboratory of a JBC member, at the Hebrew University

The fellowship is offered from October 1, 2019 through December 30, 2020


  • Undergraduate students who completed their 3rd year, with a clear interest in brain science

  • Student’s grades must be 90 or above (or at the top 10% of the class)
  • Applications for JBC fellowships, are to students who are interested in conducting research in a lab of a JBC member

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community.

  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc.
  • Update the JBC on your experience, the fruits of your work, and the insights gained.
  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations.

Application Process:

The following documents should be submitted:

  • Application Form (Online Application Form)
  • Photograph
  • Application Form
  • Proof of acceptance to a MA/MSc program in the field of Brain Science, at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Copy of Academic Standing from your university (grades from all previous years).
  • A research proposal (limited to 1 page)
  • A recommendation letter from a JBC Member, expressing his/her approval to accept the student in her/his lab and willing to secure funding till completion of the degree


          Only complete applications will be considered 

Last date to submit applications – August 28th, 2019



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“Bridging” Post-Doctoral scholarships during the Coronavirus crisis


“Bridging” Post-Doctoral scholarships during the Coronavirus crisis

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Fellowship Amount: Up to $9,000  ($1,500 per month of the support program)

This year the JBC offers special post-doctoral scholarships to PhD students of JBC members who submitted their thesis and could not start their planned post-doctoral studies abroad. The scholarships are intended to support a stay of up to six months as post-doctoral fellows at the original lab of the applicants or other labs of JBC members.Eligibility:

  • The candidate must be a former PhD student of a JBC member.
  • The candidate has submitted his doctoral thesis for approval.
  • Candidates who receive fellowships from other faculties are eligible for a JBC Fellowship. However, the total combined amount, should not exceed the maximum allowed by Hebrew University.

Applications will be evaluated by the JBC Academic Committee based on the academic achievements of the applicant.

Fellowship Requirements:

  • Play an active role in JBC community.
  • Participate in JBC activities, e.g., attend JBC-sponsored events, etc.
  • Acknowledge JBC in publications and presentations.

The Submission:

The following documents should be submitted through the online application system: (uploaded to 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions).

1.     Application form in English (Online Application Form).

2.     Research plan for the bridging period

3.    Curriculum Vitae and list of Publications

4.    A Letter of Recommendation.

5.    A Letter from the Host PI, expressing his/her willing to match the funding provided by the foundation.

6. A letter confirming PhD submission. 

Last date to submit applications is June 20, 2020

Apply here

Consideration will be given only to complete applications                              



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