Department of Psychology

Merav Ahissar

Prof. Merav Ahissar

Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences,The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

A cognitive neuroscience lab which studies perceptual learning, task and stimulus driven, in various populations – typically developing, individuals with dyslexia and individuals with autism.

Inbal Arnon

Prof. Inbal Arnon

Department of Psychology, Social Sciences Building, Mount Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The acquisition, processing and representation of language, focusing on two fundamental questions: what does it mean to know language and how is this knowledge acquired?
Shir Atzil

Dr. Shir Atzil

Director of The Jerusalem Brain Community
Department of Psychology, Mount Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Human infants are born unable to care for themselves. Their survival and development depend on their caregivers. Early social bonding with a primary caregiver is necessary for mental and physical health and is associated with greater well-being and success in adulthood. However, to date most of what we know about the neurobiological mechanisms of mother-infant bonding comes from non-human animal models. Our scientific goal is to systematically describe neurobiological mechanisms that facilitate the complex cognitive requirements needed for human social bonding.

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The emerging field of social-developmental-neuroscience is poised at a cross-road where progress depends upon integrating separate disciplines that are not traditionally associated. In particular, our research programs are strongly anchored in theory of child development, neuroscience, and emotion. Accordingly, research methods in the lab expand across advanced neuroimaging, neurochemistry, hormones and behavioral assessments of dyadic behavior and development.

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Dr. Rotem Botvinik-Nezer

Department of Psychology, Mount Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rotem Botvinik-Nezer's lab studies how beliefs and expectations are formed and updated given new information, and how they affect mental, social, and physiological processes, in the placebo effect and beyond.
Leon Deouell

Prof. Leon Deouell

Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences,The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The focus of the Leon Deouell's Human Cognitive Neuroscience Lab is on the interface between automatic, non-conscious stages of information processing in the brain and conscious perception and action.
Eran Eldar

Dr. Eran Eldar

Department of Psychology, Department of Cognitive Sciences, Mount Scopus campus. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Eran lab's goal is to understand the sources of human individuality by studying the diverse information processing, learning and decision making algorithms implemented in people’s brains.
Yuval Hart

Dr. Yuval Hart

Department of Psychology, Mount Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The research in my lab aims to understand the computational design principles that govern our cognition. These design principles point to concrete mechanistic descriptions of cognition in health and disease, and can

Ran Hassin

Prof. Ran Hassin

Psychology Department, Social Sciences Building, Mount Scopus, Hebrew University

Ran received his PhD in 1999 from Tel Aviv University. He is currently a member of the Psychology Department The Hebrew University and the Center for the Study of Rationality, and the editor of Oxford University Press’s Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience book series.

Dan Hoofien

Prof. Dan Hoofien

Dep. of Psychology, Graduate Studies in Clinical Neuropsychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

As a clinical neuropsychologist and researcher in this field, my research interests focus on the neuropsychological effects of Acquired Brain Injury at large and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in particular. My main interests are in:

Jonathan Huppert

Prof. Jonathan Huppert

Department of Psychology. Social sciences building, Mount Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Huppert’s work is aimed at developing the optimal psychosocial treatments for anxiety and related disorders (social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and specific phobias).
Yonata Levy

Prof. Yonata Levy

Psychology Department, The Hebrew Univeristy of Jerusalem
My research focuses on cognition in typically developing children and in children with neuro-developmental disorders (i.e. autism, Williams syndrome, Down syndrome etc).